Sunday, April 19, 2009

Leap of Faith

A little over a year ago Jim and I began to discuss the possibility of moving away from Southern California. We got to the point in the process where we knew we needed to take what some would call a "leap of faith", so we did. I remember having moments of thinking we were totally insane, but we trusted that we were doing the best thing for us and our family. It amazes me to think back on the entire process and see where we are now. That leap of faith was the best decision and I am so happy we did it. So, if you are reading this and wondering what the future holds for you and if you should take that leap I encourage you to do it. You might feel a little crazy or unwise, but if you're like us it will be the best decision you ever made.


Mariko Marie said...

I cannot agree more!!! Getting up and moving half way across the country with only a place to stay being the thing set in stone and everything else up in the air, was the BEST decision ever. Sometimes you don't have the answers to why or how it will work out, but trust in God is really all you need. I'm so excited for you guys and your growing family!!

Mariko Marie said...
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Jamie Lapeyrolerie said...

I'm gonna holla back too! I still sometimes think I am insane :), but I am SO glad I decided to go crazy and go for the adventure. So I agree - take the leap! It's worth it :)