Tuesday, October 16, 2007


As most of you know I am not working right now - I took off two weeks before Amalea was born and am going to be taking off 9 weeks after (I get 6 weeks paid with my disability insurance, but I am taking more without pay). I will go back to work December 3 for three weeks and then it is Christmas break so I will have two weeks off.
I am enjoying the break from work and honestly haven't really been thinking or worrying about it much at all - that is until recently. I got an email yesterday from a student, another letter handwritten from a student, and a phone call from the counselor at work. It seems that my classes are really struggling with my substitute. They are having such a hard time that there are now parents involved. It's a long story to explain what is going on, but basically things I left to be taught aren't being taught and students are having a hard time getting along with my sub.
Now, this doesn't make me want to go back to work any sooner, however, it has reminded me that I have 80 kids waiting for me when I return. For now I am praying for each kid and hoping that things aren't too screwed up when I return. It should be a fun three weeks in December :-)


Anonymous said...

That's a bummer, I'll be praying. But at least you get to wake up to the most beautiful little girl ever every morning!!!

lenamarie said...

Can't wait to see you tomorrow! Happy early birthday! The celebration is on. =)