Saturday, January 3, 2009


Today I spent the morning in the Emergency Room (but I am ok). In the end I was told that I needed to rest and stay off my feet for a few days. To me that request seemed impossible. I go back to work in two days, we have literally about 6 loads of laundry still to do from our vacation, the Christmas decorations need to come down, the drain in our bathtub is clogged because I cut my hair in there, and I have an adorable daughter that needs to be played with. Yeah right, stay off my feet. And yet, I have not got off the couch all husband is incredible. He made me soup and then a burrito, refilled my water cup many times, made me take my vitamin (though I complained the whole time), kept Amalea from treating me like a jungle gym, unclogged the drain, and did the laundry. He is now at Trader Joe's with Amalea getting some groceries. Amazing, truly amazing.


Anonymous said...

748357043574 points for Jim :)

Mariko Marie said...

I'm glad you are doing better from the ER scare. Mad props to Jim for being Hubby of the Year. =)